Certification course in React Native Development (4 weeks online)

About the Course

About the Course

Take free online courses in React Native. Learn the essentials of React Native to advance your skills in the lucrative field of mobile apps. A mastery of React Native can propel your career as a mobile developer. If you have familiarity with Java, HTML5, and CSS, you can pick up React Native fairly quickly and begin delivering quality, cross-platform mobile applications. React Native is a great way to up your mobile development game and catch the attention of potential employers and developers. Overall, the course prepares you for an entry-level position as app developer.

  • 4 weeks certification course.
  • 30 hours of classroom training (available online).
  • 20 hours of assignments.
  • 20 hours of final project.


Contact us on [email protected]

  • Bring your laptop (Windows, Linux or Mac)

Topics Covered

Uses of React Native

  • React Native is an open-source framework for building Android and iOS applications.
  • You can use JavaScript to access your app platform’s APIs as well as to describe the UI using React components.
  • Developer Tools

React fundamental concepts.

We’re going to cover the core concepts behind React:

  • components
  • JSX
  • props
  • state


  • Native components are platform-backed components.
  • These components are invoked with JavaScript using React components.
  • At runtime, React Native creates the corresponding Android and iOS views.

React Native and Expo

  • In React Native, the provided framework requires a basic knowledge of Xcode and Android Studio to build apps
  • Expo is a framework of tools and services for React Native that focuses on letting you build apps without Xcode and Android Studio.

JS and UI Threads

  • The JS thread executes the bundled JavaScript code, which then sends actions or requests to the UI thread.

Core vs. Native Components

  • Each core component is implemented using its respective native component counterpart. Because native components are platform-specific, they could look different when rendered on different platforms.

Entry Point

  • import * as React from 'react' ;
    const App = () => (
       // All functionality goes here
    export default App;
  • All functionality of the React Native app must be included in a single React component, exported as default from the entry point file.


  • import { Camera } from 'expo-camera' ;
    import { MapView } from 'react-native-maps' ;
  • You can import different packages to gain access to different native APIs or functionality.

Expo SDK

  • The Expo SDK is a collection of packages that allows access to some of the most-used APIs for all apps.

React Native Cli

  • $ react-native init
  • React Native provides a CLI tool as the primary interface for developers to start writing code for a project.

Expo Go

  • “Expo Go” is a development client for Android and iOS that can load the JS part of the project. This allows you to preview your app in development.

Expo Snack

  • “Expo Snack” is a web-based playground that allows you to write and run React Native apps in the browser.

Benefits and Drawbacks

  • Expo and React Native are ideal tools when you need (i) to run an app on multiple platforms, (ii) direct access to native functionality, and/or (iii) only have basic web development and native platform understanding.
  • Expo and React Native aren’t ideal tools when you need (i) absolute performance, (ii) cutting edge features which are just released by the platform, and/or (iii) complex and big applications.

Native Code

  • “Native code” are instructions for how to operate the React Native framework on each platform, such as iOS and Android.

Four weeks