Certification course in Web Front-End Development (4 weeks online)

About the Course

About the Course

Master the basics of web front-end development in this intensive 4 week course. The course begins with the foundations of the web - HTML, CSS and JavaScript (including a brief introduction to jQuery), and then moves on to the very popular Bootstrap framework that helps create stunning websites and applications with ease. Then the stage is set for the main focus of the workshop - Google’s Angular framework, a much sought after skill in the industry today. Overall, the course prepares you for an entry-level position as a web front-end developer.

  • 4 weeks certification course.
  • 30 hours of classroom training (available online).
  • 20 hours of assignments.
  • 20 hours of final project.


Contact us on [email protected]

  • Bring your laptop (Windows, Linux or Mac)

Topics Covered


  • Introduction to the World Wide Web
  • History of the Web Client-server Architecture
  • Anatomy of a URL
  • HTTP Basics
  • Browser and its Developer Tools
  • Introduction to Front-end Technologies


Organising the Content of a Web Page in HTML

  • Basic Tags and Attributes - Adding Paragraphs, Heading and Links
  • Block-level and Inline Container Tags
  • Including Media Elements - Images, Audio, Video
  • Creating Tables and Lists
  • Adding Forms to Web Pages
  • Form Validation (including usage of HTML5 input elements and attributes)
  • Web Storage - Cookies, Local and Session Storage
  • Web Hosting


Understanding the way CSS rules behave

  • Various Ways of Applying Styles
  • CSS Selectors
  • Inheritance of Styles
  • Selector Specificity and the Cascade

CSS Properties

  • The Box Model and related properties
  • Background related properties
  • Text and font related properties
  • Hiding and showing elements
  • Handling horizontal and vertical overflow of content

Layout techniques

  • The display Property
  • Floats
  • Positioning
  • Media Queries and Responsive Web Design


Introduction to JavaScript Language Fundamentals

  • Variables and Primitive Data Types
  • Variable Scopes, Scope chain
  • Using Arrays
  • Expressions, Operators and Operator Precedence
  • Control flow - Branching and Looping

Introduction to Functions

  • Function Declaration and Usage
  • Handling Variable Number of Arguments
  • Callbacks - Passing Functions as Arguments
  • Returning Functions
  • Closures

Introduction to Objects

  • Object Declaration using Literal Syntax
  • Accessing Properties and Methods
  • Adding and Deleting Properties
  • The Module Pattern

The “Class” in JavaScript

  • Functions Context (this keyword) and the Constructor Function
  • Introduction to the Object Prototype and Prototype Chain

Basic Introduction to Built-in Classes and Objects in the JavaScript Language

  • call() and apply() as Methods of Functions
  • Array methods
  • Date methods
  • JSON

Introduction to Handling error scenarios

  • Strict Mode Execution
  • Exception Handling using try..catch..finally and throw

The Document Object Model (DOM)

  • Nodes and the DOM Tree
  • Node Relationships and DOM Tree Traversal
  • Methods for DOM Manipulation

Event Handling

  • Various Browser Events
  • Different Ways to Handle Events
  • Event Object Properties and Methods


Introduction to Basics of jQuery

  • Why jQuery?
  • DOM Manipulation in jQuery
  • Event Handling in jQuery
  • Ajax requests using jQuery
  • Important Utility Methods


Bootstrap Fundamentals

  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • The grid system
  • Typography-related classes
  • Image helper classes
  • Responsive utilities
  • Using Glyph icons and Font awesome
  • Buttons
  • Tables
  • Dropdowns, input groups
  • Alerts

Advanced components

  • Forms
  • Navs and Navbar
  • Panels, collapsible panels and panel groups
  • Modal dialogs
  • Carousel


  • Introduction to Sass
  • Customizing Bootstrap



  • Introduction to ES6
  • TypeScript Basics

Introduction to Angular

  • The SystemJS Universal Module Loader
  • Directives
  • Routing - Passing data, child routes and lazy-loading of modules

Dependency injection

  • Injectors and providers
  • Injecting the Http service
  • Communicating with the backend using Http
  • Hierarchy of injectors

Data binding

  • Binding events
  • Binding to properties and attributes
  • 2-way data binding
  • Observables and observers

Communication between components

  • Communication patterns
  • Component lifecycle
  • Change detection

Four weeks

HTML, CSS, And Javascript For Web Developers

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three major languages used by web developers to create websites. The programming language is JavaScript, and we utilise HTML to structure the site and CSS to construct and structure the web page. CSS, on the other hand, has evolved into something more than an aesthetic in recent years. CSS may actually be used to create animations and seamless transitions.

CSS may also be used to conduct some basic programming. When you are using dynamic content, for example, you can establish various style guidelines for different types of screens (resolutions). However, the fundamental fact prevails, that the three primary languages HTML, CSS, and Javascript are incredibly essential for web developers to create websites.

Are you aware that the web page is the only part of a web-based application with which the user interacts directly? If you do it incorrectly, the server-side becomes useless to the user! The modern user thinks very highly of a web page: it must load quickly, provide the needed service, and be easy to read on a variety of devices, including desktop computers, tablets, and mobile phones.

At Techasoft Foundation, we will understand the most necessary and essential tools that any web page coder should be familiar with in this course. We'll begin from the roots up, learning how to use HTML and CSS to create modern web pages. We'll then go on to functional requirements and coding complex web pages such that their elements dynamically resize and reorganise themselves according to the dimensions of the user's screen. You'll be able to build the application or the web page that works equally well on a smartphone as it does on a personal computer. There's no need to "pinch and zoom"!

Last but not least, we'll get a full introduction to Javascript, the web's most pervasive, accessible, and tremendously powerful language. You can create a completely functional web service that uses Ajax to deliver server-side functionality and information to the average consumer using Javascript.